Jon Weinberg Photography
A Calm Position
A Calm Position is a book of photography and poetry. The book was awarded the gold medal from the Independent Publisher Book Awards.

A Calm Position, explores love, loss, one's potential, calmness, contentment (the search there of,) hope, failure, dancing and the letting go of thoughts to a place where they can roam free. It is a journal of sorts that you are invited to peruse. Feel free to create your own pictures for the words and your own stories for the images.

To order a copy you can click on over to

A Calm Position is also available at fine bookstores and boutiques around the US, Canada, London (UK not Ontario-at least not yet), and Amsterdam.
Specific stores are listed at

By Jon Weinberg
In Due Time Press
ISBN 0-9780824-0-6
128 pages, with black and white duotone, and full color photographs